February 15, 2008

Spiritual Health in Relation to The Dying Church

Yesterday in Resurrection's staff chapel, the message was given by a congregant who detailed how he and his wife visited Resurrection, got connected, and started an amazing God-inspired journey. Without going into the detail of his entire story; it was quite good; one thing he said stuck me and got me thinking. When describing his first visit to Resurrection he stated, " ... and they seemed like they actually cared that we were there [that day]."

What struck me about that statement was the simplicity. Somebody cared that they were there. I immediately thought back through my journey of visiting churches. .... He's right. At most churches my wife and I would visit, the people other than the "assigned greeter" and the staff did not care if we were visiting. By a very high majority, the other people of the church had come to church only for themselves, and were not interested, maybe even scared, of making us feel welcomed.

And I don't let myself the hook so easy either. I'm a confessed computer geek and introvert. I'd rather develop a web application than walk up to strangers and strike up a conversation. ;-( But sometimes when I walk into church, I need to forget myself, remember my assignment, and follow Christ.

So now I'm thinking the root problem with The Church is an epidemic spiritual decline. Too many churches are developing immature Christians who never grow into a state of following Christ. Primarily people start going to church to satisfy themselves, and it should be the job of that church to stimulate growth from that stage to the next - going to church for someone else. It seems ironic that a religion rooted in a truth that the life of Christ was not lived for himself but for everyone else, that we have such a hard time teaching Christians to live not only for themselves.

Although I have not read a word of Reveal, I have heard many Resurrection staff talking about its message. Time for me to do some reading perhaps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have picked up the Reveal book and was both blown away by the findings and confirmed. I am working with my staff to try and find ways to minister to the more mature believers that are being left behind because of the focus on new and recent believers.

I think the book may shed some light on why these things are happening, though the book doesn't expand on ways to solve it (as they are still working through it themselves).