August 27, 2006

Tony Morgan asks a great question

Check out Tony Morgan's post today "Lifting people up or loading people down?" Tony, it's not only volunteers we need to be concerned about. Sometimes it's staff.

This issue of work/rest balance in life is resonating with me, particularly in light of the talks by Andy Stanley and Wayne Cordeiro (thanks Tony for the synopsis) at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. I attended the Summit with my whole team, several of whom said Andy and Wayne were talking to me. I needed to slow down, they said. So the next week I took a day off and moved my daughter into her dorm for her freshman year at Park University. That was important, but I have some more resting to do.

It's been a difficult summer:
  • We lost a staff person in IT - the 3rd one we've lost this year (and it really hurt)
  • We had the usual vacations
  • I had the most unfortunate experience of passing a kidney stone
  • We hosted the Willow Creek conference
  • We've had emergency outages in our phone service and our database server (which hosts Shelby and Track It)
  • We've had a number of major infrastructure projects going on including new firewall, new web content filtration system, new anti-virus software, new phone company, new online bookstore, new online box office, updated web site navigation, and the biggest of all, our new location - Resurrection West
  • And all of this is on top of our routine workload of tech support, computer upgrades, new staff coming in, and on and on
We simply haven't been able to keep up.

So Tony, I'm with you. As one of the burdened, I'm wondering if sometimes we're adding to the burdens of our congregants, volunteers, and staff. If they've had a summer anything like mine, they're ready for some rest. Yet others are ready to take the next step if only we will challenge them. We need wisdom to know when to push and when to relax.

August 21, 2006

Volunteering at Promise Keepers

This weekend I had the honor of serving as a volunteer Evangelism Supervisor for the Promise Keepers conference in Kansas City. Around 300 men responded to the altar call on Friday night, more than 100 of which were accepting Christ for the first time. I've done this before. It's an amazing experience every time.

I was too busy with my duties Friday night to take pictures, but here are a few shots of serving lunch to approximately 7,000 men on Saturday.

Promise Keepers has been serving lunch at the conference for years. They have it down to a science. A refigerated semi-truck rolled in, a forklift unloaded pallets of boxes, volunteers stacked them just a certain way, and finally the volunteers opened the boxes.

Each box has eleven lunches. They're all the same so people won't take time looking for their preference.

And here they come! (By the way, I saw Jim Walton in this line. I hope you had a great experience, Jim.)

August 20, 2006


Resurrection West Blasted off today. And I do mean blasted. More than 700 people were in attendance at the LAUNCH of what is essentially a new church. Thats gotta be some kind of record. I think of today as the Wedding, now comes the marriage....

The venue is a Junior High School about 10 miles from the central (original) campus. We use a high definition feed from the central campus (ask cliff if you want to understand all the technology...I just think its cool). Above Left Adam interviews some folks who restore classic cars, and over on the right pastor Molly Simpson gives announcements in front of the HD screen.

August 11, 2006

Leadership Summit

This is the first time we've hosted the Willow Creek Leadership Summit at Church of the Resurrection. Ian helped me setup a laptop to connect to the Windows Media video stream for use as a backup to the main video feed that comes in over satellite. Turns out, we needed it in the very first session on Thursday morning due to storms in both Chicago and Kansas City. Good thing it worked!

Here's the rigged-up rear-screen projector:

This is the laptop showing the video stream full-screen:

Conference attendees in the sanctuary:

People in the Narthex:

My wife, Laura, and daughter, Beth: