Some of you still have your feed readers and aggregators pointed here. All of us Appian Way bloggers now have our own blogs and feeds.
I am now at My feed is here. I have recently blogged about our trip to LifeChurch to benchmark their Internet Campus.
Brian Slezak is now at His feed is here. He has recently done a series of posts about his mission trip to help Navajo people in New Mexico.
Chuck Russell is now at All But Love. His feed is here.
Leo Johns has many sites and blogs where he occasionally posts content. His main site is He has lots of stuff there, but no menu to reach it. You'll just have to guess!
Ian Beyer was never an Appian Way blogger, but I would be remiss if I didn't tell you his blog is at His feed is here.
Please reconfigure your feed readers and aggregators accordingly. Thanks for reading The Appian Way. We look forward to continuing the conversation from our new homes.